make a donation

make a material donation

Making a material donation to the organization is a very effective way of helping the organization.and work for the good of the community. The list of essential materials for the organization cannot be exhaustive, as donations can help both the CooperarPerú school and the children and families themselves. So, whether you donate school supplies (pencils, pens, notebooks, manuals and books), computer equipment (computers, tablets, accessories), warm clothing or toys: you're doing your bit to help the organization and bring change and happiness to the Tankarpata community. It's also a good idea to contact us by e-mail or via social networks to discuss our current needs (depending on the season and current campaigns, for example).

How to send your donations ?

Two delivery addresses are available for your parcels. You can send your parcels to the SERPOST postal service, located in Cuzco at Av. El Sol 800, Cusco 08002 In this case, you'll have to let us know by e-mail or via social networks so that we know when to pick them up, or go directly to CooperarPerú's main office at Calle APV Aciaas A-2, 14 de febrero, San Sebastian, Cusco. Packages generally arrive within 3 weeks.

Make a financial donation

Making a financial donation is a great way to support our various projects: we regularly need to renew our equipment (for the tutoring center, the management of the organization), but we also need funds to finance our projects (whether related to education, health or community development).

